Legal consulting, M.A Middle East Legal

How to get divorce in UAE: Speak with a Legal Expert

How to get divorce in UAE

Getting a divorce in the UAE can be a complex and time-consuming process. If you are considering divorce, it is important to speak with a legal expert who can help you understand your rights and options.

The Divorce Process in the UAE

The divorce process in the UAE begins with a petition for divorce. The petition must be filed with the court by one of the spouses. The petition must include the following information:

  • The names of the spouses
  • The date of marriage
  • The grounds for divorce

Once the petition is filed, the court will issue a summons to the other spouse. The other spouse will have an opportunity to respond to the petition. If the other spouse does not respond to the petition, the court may grant the divorce without a hearing. If the other spouse does respond to the petition, the court will schedule a hearing. At the hearing, the court will hear evidence from both spouses and make a decision about the divorce.

The Grounds for Divorce in the UAE

The grounds for divorce in the UAE vary depending on the religion of the spouses.

For Muslim couples, the grounds for divorce are:

  • Irreconcilable differences
  • Abandonment
  • Physical or mental abuse
  • Imprisonment
  • Incapacity to have children
  • Adultery

For non-Muslim couples, the grounds for divorce are:

  • Irreconcilable differences
  • Abandonment
  • Physical or mental abuse
  • Imprisonment
  • Incapacity to have children
  • Adultery
  • Five years of separation

The cost of divorce in the UAE

The cost of divorce in the UAE can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. However, some of the costs that you may incur include:

  • Court fees
  • Lawyer fees
  • Translation fees
  • Other miscellaneous fees

The duration of a divorce proceeding in the UAE can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. However, the typical process involves the following steps:

Filing a divorce petition with the court.

  • The court issues a summons to the other spouse, notifying them of the petition.
  • The other spouse has an opportunity to respond to the petition.
  • If the other spouse fails to respond, the court may grant a default divorce.
  • If the other spouse responds, the court will set a hearing to review the case.

During the hearing, the court will examine evidence from both parties before making a final decision.

When determining child custody in the UAE, the court considers the child’s best interests, taking into account factors like the child’s age, preferences, home environment stability, and each parent’s ability to provide for the child.

In the UAE, the court determines alimony based on the financial needs of the spouse seeking it, as well as factors like the length of the marriage, each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, and each spouse’s needs.

The court divides property acquired during the marriage in the UAE in a just and fair manner, taking into account factors like the length of the marriage and each spouse’s contributions to the marriage.

Collaborating with a legal expert can prove incredibly beneficial when dealing with a divorce in the UAE. They possess the knowledge and expertise to help you comprehend your rights and explore possible options, and offer representation in court if required.

advantages of working with a legal expert in UAE:

  • They provide clarity on your rights and options, enabling you to make informed decisions.
    • They offer legal representation and advocacy in court, protecting your interests and ensuring a fair outcome.
    • They possess the negotiation skills to help you reach a settlement with your spouse, saving you time and money.
    • They assist in safeguarding your assets, ensuring you receive what you are entitled to.

M.A. Middle East Legal Consultancy boasts of a team of proficient lawyers who offer comprehensive divorce assistance, covering child custody, alimony, and property division. Their expertise extends to negotiating settlements with your spouse, which can save you both valuable time and money.

In the event of a divorce, M.A Middle East Legal Consultancy provides valuable support by helping you comprehend your rights and explore available options. Additionally, they offer representation in court if required, leveraging their impressive track record of success. Their unwavering commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for their clients is unparalleled.

Some of the benefits you stand to gain from working with M.A Middle East Legal Consultancy include their team of seasoned family law practitioners, who are well-equipped to handle your case. They will guide you through the legal process, helping you navigate with ease while protecting your interests and rights.

If you’re going through a divorce, I highly recommend reaching out to M.A Middle East Legal Consultancy for a consultation on WhatsApp. Their services will prove invaluable in safeguarding your interests and ensuring a favorable outcome.

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