Civil Marriage in Dubai

Civil Marriage in Dubai: Requirements and Details

Civil Marriage in Dubai: Requirements and Details

Dubai, a city renowned for its majestic skyline and unparalleled luxury, is also home to a diverse and multicultural population. As a result, many couples from different nationalities and religious backgrounds choose to tie the knot in this magnificent city. Civil marriage in Dubai is a popular choice for these couples, and in this article, we will delve into the details of obtaining a civil marriage in Dubai, the legal requirements, and the benefits of choosing this route.

Legal Requirements for Civil Marriage in Dubai

Before embarking on your journey to a civil marriage in Dubai, it’s essential to understand the legal requirements involved. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:


At least one of the parties should be a resident of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


Both parties must be at least 18 years old.

Marital Status:

If either party has been previously married, they must provide a legally attested divorce certificate or a death certificate for a deceased spouse.


Two witnesses, also residents of the UAE, must be present at the time of the marriage ceremony.

Medical Test:

Both parties must undergo a medical test to ensure that they are free from infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis.

No Objection Certificate (NOC):

If either party is a non-Muslim, they must obtain a NOC from their consulate or embassy in Dubai. The NOC confirms that the person is eligible to get married according to their home country’s laws.

Documentation for Civil Marriage in Dubai

To obtain a civil marriage in Dubai, you’ll need to gather and submit the following documents:

  • Passports: Original passports and photocopies for both parties and witnesses.
  • Emirates ID: Original Emirates ID cards and photocopies for both parties and witnesses.
  • Birth Certificates: Legally attested and translated birth certificates for both parties.
  • Marital Status Documents: Legally attested and translated documents proving marital status (if applicable).

It’s important to note that all documents must be translated into Arabic and attested by the relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UAE Embassy in the country where the documents were issued.

The Civil Marriage Process in Dubai

Once you have gathered all the required documents, the civil marriage process in Dubai involves the following steps:

  1. Submit Documents: Submit the necessary documents to the Marriage Section at the Dubai Courts or a Notary Public office.
  2. Marriage Agreement: Both parties will be required to sign a marriage agreement, which will then be registered with the Marriage Section.
  3. Marriage Ceremony: The marriage ceremony will be conducted by a designated official, usually a judge or a notary public.
  4. Issuance of Marriage Certificate: After the ceremony, the Marriage Section or Notary Public will issue your official marriage certificate, which will be in Arabic.

Benefits of Civil Marriage in Dubai

Opting for a civil marriage in Dubai comes with several advantages:

  • Recognition: Civil marriages conducted in Dubai are internationally recognized.
  • Simplicity: The civil marriage process in Dubai is relatively straightforward, making it an attractive option for couples.
  • Multicultural: Dubai’s multicultural environment means that civil marriages cater to couples from various nationalities and religious backgrounds.

Marital Acknowledgment Form:

We, (names of the spouses), acknowledge and declare:

  • Our consent to enter into this marriage.
  • The absence of any first or second-degree blood relationship.
  • The absence of any current existing marriage with another person.
  • That the information provided in this acknowledgment form is true and accurate and does not contain any misleading information.

M.A Middle East Legal Consultancy: Your Trusted Partner

Navigating the legal intricacies of a civil marriage in Dubai can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. At M.A Middle East Legal Consultancy, we offer expert guidance and support to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience. From document preparation and attestation to understanding the nuances of the marriage process, our team of experienced consultants is here to help. So, if you’re considering a civil marriage in Dubai and need legal assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us to get started with your journey to marital bliss.

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